Product Knowledge- Foundation + Styling


April 18, 2024

10:00AM - 10:45AM

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Explore our foundation and styling products in detail, gaining an understanding of the benefits, ingredients, and applications of each product, enabling you to create stunning looks and styles. 

This class will cover information about the following foundation sprays: BOND reparative spray, LEAVE-IN conditioner spray, BOOST spray, SEAL spray, COVER uv spray, and TINGLE scalp elixir.

Styling products will also be discussed: DIAMOND serum, BLOWOUT butter, HEAT DEFENSE spray, RELAX serum, SHAPE gelee, BOND serum, SCULPT gel, NUVO gel, WAVE curl cream, LOFT volumizer, TOUSLE spray, and MOUSSE foam.

Registration -Product Knowledge Foundation + Styling 4/18/2024 10am

Product Knowledge Basics