
OPTI: The Best of the Rest

If you’ve been using OPTI (and why wouldn’t you be?) you know it’s a powerful aid in hair health and growth. But what (besides biotin) makes it so potent? Dr. Jenkin from Dermatology Associates of Seattle is back to discuss the other superstars in our OPTI supplement.

Didn’t catch part 1 with Dr. Jenkin all about biotin–the biggest, baddest ingredient in our new SATARA OPTI supplement? Catch up here!

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

About Omega-3’s

Omega-3 fatty acids have a variety of effects in the body which are very beneficial, like promoting better skin health by reducing systemic inflammation. The 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids that are important for humans are alpha linolenic acid (found in plant oils), DPA and DHA (found in marine oils.)

About Omega-6’s

Omega-6 fatty acids can also play a role in reducing inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids come from vegetable oils (such as linoleic acid) which is then converted to gamma-linoleic acid in the body. Gamma linoleic acid has been found in several plant-based oils including evening primrose, borage, and black currant seed oils. Because they are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid, Omega-6s can help stimulate skin and hair growth. In order for them to be converted efficiently, one needs to have enough magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D3 and vitamin B6. This helps the conversion of GLA to DGLA which fights inflammation.


Silica is a trace mineral which means that your body only needs a very small amount. This mineral is important for strengthening blood vessels and improving circulation which can improve outflow to the scalp. It is also a component of connective tissue and helps strengthen hair and nails. It has been used topically as a team made from horsetail leads or can be taken as a supplement. It is not recommended orally if you have heart or kidney problems, diabetes or gout.


Iron is also an important mineral necessary for normal nail growth. Iron deficiency anemia produces an abnormality in the nails called koilonychia, which can be corrected by taking iron supplements.


Antioxidants play a significant role protecting the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation produces free oxygen radicals in the skin which then damage the cells and cause photoaging. Antioxidants mop up those free oxygen radicals before they can damage the cells. Some of the most well known antioxidants are vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin A.

Thank you again to Dr. Jenkin and the team at Dermatology Associates of Seattle for providing us with the scoop about our favorite new multivitamin!